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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

6.4 Cosplay

What is Cosplay? Somehow, I don't like Cosplay very much, but I think dressing up is fun. Is there a difference between Cosplay and dressing up for Halloween day? I feel that I could understand the difference between them when reading this article and some other articles about Cosplay. I think the most important difference is their purpose. People who like dressing up just want to enjoy dressing up in costumes. On the other hand, Cosplay fans want to completely become the characters that they like to dress up as. It is a big difference. I like comics, but I don't become overly enthusiastic about them. Therefore, I don't want to identify myself with the characters in them. Maybe it is the reason I don't like Cosplay very much. However, I have to say that I don't dislike Cosplay fans. They are enjoying their hobbies. I think that it's great. In addition most of them make their own costumes, and the quality is excellent. Cosplay is one part of Japanese culture.

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