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Thursday, February 3, 2011

7.7 Obese Passengers

Now, the problem of overweight or obese stands for U.S. Many American prefer junky and high-calolie food with large size. It can be said American custom from of old. But, recently the tendency of that is growing by leaps and bounds. One of examples here! Airlines have a problem of obese passengers. They go beyond capacity of economy seat. So, airlines are going to prepare another suitable seat for them or charge the extra fee for obese person. Furthermore, respondant from comment board said "If one in three Americans is fat and one in three is obese, then only one in three is not fat or obese. So airlines need to change the seat sizes anyway to suit the majority." I think it's wrong. They don't have to adapt to this matter, have to solve the root of obese syndrome in U.S. It's better for health of them too.


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